An angelfish display tank is a type of aquarium designed specifically for keeping angelfish. There are a few key features that make an angelfish display tank suitable for these fish:

- Size: Angelfish are large fish that require a lot of space, so an angelfish display tank should be at least 55 gallons (209 liters) in size.
- Water quality: Angelfish require clean, well-filtered water, so the tank should be equipped with a high-quality filtration system.
- Water flow: Angelfish come from the Amazon River and its tributaries which are characterized by a relatively slow current. An angelfish display tank should have low to moderate water flow to mimic their natural habitat.
- Lighting: Angelfish require moderate lighting. They can be sensitive to sudden changes in lighting, so the tank should be equipped with a good aquarium lighting system with a timer or controller that can gradually change the light level to simulate a natural day/night cycle.
- Decor: Angleshfish prefer a well planted tank with plenty of hiding spots and a dimly lit area. They also like having surfaces to swim against such as rocks or caves.
- Tankmates: They are generally peaceful fish and can be kept with other peaceful species, but it is important to keep in mind the swimming space and compatibility of any potential tankmates.
- Diet : They are generally not picky eaters, they like a variety of fresh and frozen foods, but they also like live foods like brine shrimp, blood worms, and daphnia.